If you're looking at blue water it's most likely going to be deep and just rocks and pebbles at the bottom of it. The type of fishing lures you would want to use is colorful, outstanding, light colored lure but not a lure that is too shiny. The reason is because the water is already bright light color and you wouldn't want a lure that is to bright to look at.
Minnow-rap, shad rap, and even a fat rap would be great for blue water, because there color makes them perfect to the color of water. There outstanding, from the way the freshwater fishing lures move. The minnow rap and shad rap would be excellent for this type of depth because it would attract any fish. The minnow-rap comes in different shapes, but the shape is not the only factor. The design features create unique performance characteristics. Like the shine. The minnow-rap shines in clear water, cold water and are really tough against fish when they bite. The shad-rap is a floating minnow for its sudden wiggle and fish catching ability. But that's not the only characteristic, the shine gives it the action and attraction for the fish, it matches perch which is what walleye love to bite on.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tanios_Daher
see my previous post :
Fish Lures - Facts You Should Know Before Fishing